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Organizer interview: Mers les Bains 2011 waiters race

Who ? Pascal Dion, owner of the hotel-restaurant Le Parisien at Mers les Bains (France).

Waiters race organized: Mers les Bains 2011 (France)

About waiters races

WR: When did you hear for the first time about waiters races?

Pascal Dion: More than 40 years ago! In fact, My father organized several ones when I was young.

WR: How came-up the idea of organizing a waiters race in Mers les Bains?

Pascal Dion: I belong to Mers les Bains trade union. Each member has to organize one event and I am responsible for organizing Mers les Bains waiters race.

WR: How did Mers les Bains waiters race evolve over the years?

The weather is very important. For my first waiters race, we had 24 participants. The largest we have managed to hold is that of 2008: we had 143 participants. This year 78 waiters competed.

About the organization of the waiters race

WR: How many months before the race did you start organizing it?

Pascal Dion: I started two months before for the sponsors (who provided lots) and for advertising but I know I should start before! Regarding the participants, I contacted them two weeks before the race.

WR: Did you have to obtain permits from the town hall?

Pascal Dion: I receive technical support from the town hall and a bylaw to secure the race. The town hall helps me well because this event participates in the promotion of our seaside city.

WR: WR: What are the main difficulties you faced during the organisation of the race?

Pascal Dion: Lack of sponsors and of time (since the waiters race happens during the high season) and volunteer (we still have a dozen referees).

Promotion of the race

WR: What kind of media, support did you use to promote your waiters race?

Pascal Dion: Regarding the media we use the three regional newspapers as well as France 3 regional, and local radio like nrj , the Tréport, France Blue. We also work with the tourist office.

WR: How did you prepare your press release?

Pascal Dion: Two weeks before the race I invite the press which is fond of such events.

WR: What kind of media coverage did you expect from the waiters race?

Pascal Dion: I didn’t expect anything, it’s just a way for me to participate in the promotion of my city.

WR: Were there any VIP/Special guests at the waiters race?

Pascal Dion: We invited the Mayor, his deputy and his advisors.

Sponsors and production

WR: Can you give us a general idea of the budget of such an event?

Pascal Dion: 500€.

How did you sponsors receive your project in general?

Pascal Dion: well, but they are less generous.

Plans for the Future

WR: Do you intend to organize another waiters race in the future?

Pascal Dion: Of course! Next year the race will be held the last Friday of August. This will be our 14th Edition!

WR: Was there at your waiters race something very original, innovative that you are proud of?

Pascal Dion: We had a race for children with a delayed start and a gymkhana to spice up the case.

Regarding the profession of waiters at Mers les Bains

WR: Is there a hotel school at Mers les Bains ?

Pascal Dion: The closest hotel schools are at Tréport, Street, Dieppe, Amiens and Le Touquet.

WR: How would you describe the evolution of the service on Mers les Bains those last years?

Pascal Dion: We have been affected by the crisis, but we are a seaside resort which made up losses.

About WaitersRace.com

WR: How can WaitersRace.com help you in your project and what do you expect from the community ?

Pascal Dion: I expect from this community ideas and some help to progress.

WR: According to you, what are the main components of a successful waiters race?
Pascal Dion: Advertising, sun and energy to stimulate the waiters …

Discover Mers les Bains 2011 waiters race page

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