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2010 Waiters races: the big moments

2010 is over..and more than ever, this year has been filled with waiters races all over the world. There have been the new waiters races that appeared on their own (and sometimes with their own new rules!) or during Bastille Days, festivals; there have been the new winners…and those who won once again; there have been those who run for the first time and those who changed category…to the senior one; there have been the races that attracted just 5 participants and those who saw a participation of 400 waiters and waitresses; Indeed, yes, 2010 has been a year filled in emotion!

The famous waiters races

Brussels: undoubtedly the most famous one. Brussels waiters race celebrated this year its 24th edition with more than 120 participants. As usual, people came from all over the word to support and acclaim the winners. The race was organized and sponsored once again this year by Pineau des Charentes.

Buenos Aires: this year, Buenos Aires broke a record with 400 waiters participating to the annual waiters race. The city welcomed waiters coming from the Gran Buenos Aires, San Carlos de Bariloche, Mar del Plata, Rosario, Bahía Blanca, Trelew and Entre Ríos. In addition, hats off to the UTHGRA (the Workers Union of Tourism, Hotel and Food of Argentina) who organized waiters races all around the country all the year long.

The oldest waiters races

Congratulations to all the following waiters races who continue every year to support the waiters profession but also to delight the children..and the big children that we are!

  • Washington (USA) which celebrated its 34th edition
  • Charleston (USA) which blown its 30th candle
  • Brussels (Belgium) which proudly and well-done organized its 24th edition
  • Hasselt, (Belgium)… which celebrated its 21th edition
  • Calais (France) and Moscow (Russia) which both organized their 18th editions
  • Visalia (USA) and Mar del Plata (Argentina) which blown their 17th candle

The “growing” waiters races

Hong Kong: indeed Hong Kong has organized one month ago, in November, the 4rd edition of its waiters race, since its relaunch in 2007. Abracadabra Communications , a communication agency in Honk Kong was the initiator of that event during which 120 waiters from different hotels of the city run in relays and then alone. The event also included a children race and a Cheerleading Teams Competition. In addition, Honk Kong waiters race was sponsored by the Hong Kong Hotels Association, San Miguel, Perrier and Harbour City.

Visalia (USA): the waiters race of the city from the Californian state is getting more visibility and media coverage from year to year. For its 17th edition, the race was supported by about fifteen sponsors and $7,000.00 in cash prizes were awarded!

Calais (France): more than ever now than Paris has suspended a few years ago the organization of its annual waiters race, Calais’ waiters race has become one of the bigger and most famous waiters race in France. This year 120 waiters participated to the 18th edition and run 7.5 km with a tray containing 2 glasses and 2 bottles.

The charity waiters races

They served-up generously charity races and rose money for great causes…bravo, bravissimo to:

  • Portrush (Ireland): the waiters of Portrush have run for the RNLI, the Royal National Lifeboat Institute. The fund was dedicated to help the institute to train volunteer crew members to save lives at sea.
  • Perigueux, Thonon les Bains (France): those two towns have chosen an original way to help the French Telethon (which aims at helping people suffering from muscular dystrophy) by organizing a waiters race during the Telethon week end.
  • In Budapest, the waiters race is organized for many years in order to support the Robert Burns International Fundation, a fundation that helps sick and underprivileged children.

The happy new winners

Those waiters and waitresses won their city’s trophy for the first time. All our respect to the following men and women (and our apologies in advance for all those we can’t name in that article):

  • Alex Mladenovski from Parnell , Australia
  • Alejandra Caballero, Restaurant Ambigu (Puerto Madryn), Buenos Aires
  • Kemache Stephane, Grand hotel Kempinski from Geneva
  • Joe Cowley, Restaurant Michelangelo’s from Sacramento, USA
  • Aziz Zirira, HaHa Bar & Grill from Brighton, UK

The ‘’regular’’ winners

They don’t grow tired of running..and winning every year. Will they win in 2011 once again? Here are a few names:

  • David Bohne from Brussels (maybe one of the most famous waiters known in Belgium) who won in both 2009 and 2010
  • Camilo Cuellar from Buenos Aires who don’t stop to take the trophy (2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010!) in the senior category of the race.
  • Noemia Lucia from Recife in Brazil who won this year again in the women category.

We wish you a happy new year and are looking forward to making you discover 2011 waiters races!

The Waitersrace.com’s Team

Photo 1 by Adri Porteña, Buenos Aires, Carrera de Mozos 2010 and photo 2 by Barry Caruth, Waiters race in Abbeville 2006

1 comment to 2010 Waiters races: the big moments

  • Georges1

    Super article. Ca donne envie d’en organiser une! Quelqu’un sait combien de course ont lieu chaque année dans le monde? Y-a-t-il une finale? Merci de vos réponses.
    Un passionné depuis l’enfance à Tunis.

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