There have always been two kinds of professions some are more theoretical and some are more manual and practical. The
truth, however, lies in that both kinds of professions have a common denominator regardless of which one we practice, we all serve others.
Every minute of our everyday lives are surrounded by situations in which we are being served and in which we are also serving others. From the doctor that we see with an illness; to the construction worker that is laying the foundation to this very building from which I am writing.
Now picture yourself in front of a table of 4 people each wanting something different; one might be hungry, another just thirsty and maybe some may just be there for conversation…it doesn´t really matter you have to tend to this table with patience and a smile all the while knowing that you have another 10 tables that are awaiting your service with the same patience and smile as you served the first. The key is not to lose your patience during the the 8 hours that lie ahead: Welcome to the “waiter´s race.”
Just like in the first minute of your work day, you start the first meters of your race telling yourself “patience” all the while analyzing the situation (meters) ahead. ”Steady,” I tell myself the situation is under control, and even though it may not be, I will make sure it appears as though it is, ladies and gentlemen good evening my name is Jose and I will be your waiter this evening… exhale.
It really is a race we run each and everyday, it is a test; can you bring out the best in yourself, are You ready?…I am!
by Jose Romero, Los Sevillanos, Andalucia, Spain
Read more about this amazing waiters race competitor