Who? Damien Lecouvey, waiter at the restaurant Escalle in Auphelle (France)
Number of participations to waiters races: one (2011)
City of participation: Limoges (France)
About Damien Lecouvey
My name is Damien Lecouvey, I’m 20 years old, I am currently a seasonal waiter at the restaurant Escalle in Auphelle (France).
A word to define myself! Um … energetic!
If I had to choose a phrase that I like about my job, it would certainly be: ”It is better to be a waiter who acts as a jerk than a waiter who is a jerk!’’ ” You got it, I love to prat”!
I did an apprenticeship BEP at the CFA of Agneau close to Saint-Lo. . Since then, I’ve worked in three different places : a gourmet restaurant, a creperie and a brewery.
On the day of Limoges waiters race I’ve celebrated my 4 years as a waiter.
About the job of waiter
The role.
My role has changed … like a lot of us I’ve started by doing the dishes! I am now a waiter, I can take care of a room where there are sixty clients.
Pros and Cons.
For me, the hardest part of the work is when you are tired and that some guests are unpleasant.
On the contrary, I love to serve ‘‘professional people’’ who can tell me stories or give me advices.
The qualities of a waiter.
Firstly, if you are a waiter, you must very clean! Then have a good memory, a sense of humor with clients, and of course have a good balance with the tray or…the trays ! Finally, do not be lazy …
Best memory.
Without any hesitation: August 9th, 2010. On that day, I was 19 years old and was offered the chance to be a steward on a boat-restaurant where an old lady celebrated its 101 years.
About Limoges 2011 waiters race
My boss told me about this event, after receiving a letter from the Business Chamber.
I always wanted to do this job, but I thought waiters races do no longer happen! Thus, when my boss told me about it, I immediately wanted to do it and asked him to sign me up.
On the day of the race.
I was confident, talking with other boys around me. For a first edition, I can say the atmosphere was very good.
I was not stressed at all because I love to have fun: I even tried during the race to sell my Orangina bottle to the customers of a bar: the owner glared at me at the beginning … but quickly reminded that there was the race … and then he and the customers smiled !
I do not regret at all participating in this race; I look forward to racing again! Out of 62 participants, I was the 15th fastest waiter.
Unfortunately I didn’t train at all because I though that running 4 km will be easy ! However, I realized the day after the race that for someone who is not sportive, it is very difficult.
The ideal waiters race.
For me a waiters race is successful when it is well organized and that there is fair play, humor and customers that support the participants.
Damien’s advices
My advice is to train well if you aren’t a sportive person … because the day after the race may be difficult!
About WaitersRace.com
Yes , I was surprised to learn that there was a website about waiters races! I‘ve discovered it thanks to a group about the hospitality industry on Facebook.
Then I signed up without knowing that there would be a waiters race in Limoges.
To my opinion, both the website and the team with whom I talk through emails are great!
Limoges 2012?
Limoges 2012 waiters race? Yes, if I stay in the region, there are great chances that I will participate!