Today is happening one of the most popular waiters races in Asia, the Hong Kong 2010 waiters race (服务员比赛 for those who read Chinese)…so let’s give it a full attention.
After a 10 years break, Hong Kong has eventually restored its waiters race in 2007.
Every year the race is taking place in another place, this year the site of the Harbour city - which is the biggest shopping mall in Hong Kong - has been chosen to welcome the race. The Harbour city is part of a series of office blocks and hotels therefore this year, many waiters of hotels should participate to the race!
What I particularly like about the Hong Kong waiters race is that the whole ceremony lasts almost 4 hours… so that you really have time to enjoy it and to see a few different kinds of races.
After the ceremony opening, there will several relays: one for hotels schools apprentices, then one for ladies and one for men. Then single races (ladies/men) and last but not least before the finals, the Fun Relay waiters race.
This year, the Hong Kong waiters race is receiving support for many sponsors: the Hong Kong Hotels Association, San Miguel , Perrier and the Harbour City.
We wish good luck to all the participants and hope we will have videos to share with you about the Hong Kong waiters race in a few days…stay tuned! (to send us pictures and videos go to
To visit our Hong Kong 2010 waiters race page:
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Thanks Lena, can’t wait to see video about this event. You already know who are the winners?